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Simple Suggestions For Argument Essays And Writing Hooks

Argument paper writing has many elements to consider when defining a clear argument on a topic or subject. One element that helps start your introduction of the topic is a hook. The hook starts the paper as the first sentence or thought read by readers. The name of the term suggests just that; to get readers hooked on the content. It should get the attention and keep it to encourage readers to keep reading. In some cases, a hook not written well may cause readers to lose interest in the content early and they may not bother to continue reading past the first few sentences. It may not be easy to create an argumentative essay hook for a paper, therefore, the experts at My Custom Essay have prepared a few tips to make the process easier.

What is a Hook for Argumentative Essay Papers?

A hook for argumentative essay content may start the argument leading up to the main idea or thesis statement. A hook is different from the thesis statement. It gets readers to cling to your content early on while encouraging them to continue reading to learn more about what is being introduced. The hook appears in the introduction paragraph as the first sentence. It may be followed by the thesis statement which states the purpose or scope of the written content. Seek samples to learn more about how it presented in written content to grab reader attention.

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Using Sample Hooks for Argumentative Essays

Samples for writing a hook are handy because they present a general idea of how to be creative with an element that is crucial to your introduction paragraph As you seek hooks for argumentative essays sample ideas consider how to present your findings throughout your work. The hook can hint at something that appears later in your work. For example, if your hook asks a question, readers will learn the answer as they continue reading. Yet, the question should be asked in a manner that invokes curiosity.

Tips on How to Write a Hook for an Argumentative Essay

Determine the argument your paper will discuss and think about supporting points it will include. Your hook could hint at the overall message of your paper or what the outcome of the argument could be. Your hook could ask a question about the argument in a unique way that leads readers to wonder how your content will end. Find examples with hooks you like and rewrite one to fit your topic.

What to Know When Writing Good Hooks for an Argumentative Essay

The best way to get ideas for creating a hook for your work is to learn something unique about your topic and present it in a way that will make others curious. Maybe you can start by presenting a statistic or some form of hard evidence that leads to your thesis statement. What was a hook you last read by an author or writer that really caught your eye? Think about how your argument will affect how you plan to introduce your topic to readers.