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Examples Of Persuasive Essay Hooks And General Tips

Many want to know why it is important to know how to write a hook for a persuasive essay paper. The right topic idea is a start. You can present what you know from your perspective and the more you know the easier it is to get others to see things your way. A hook can be the same thing when you know how to present something you know in a catchy manner that grabs attention of readers.

Getting Ideas for Persuasive Essay Hooks

Choosing a persuasive essay hook doesn’t have to be difficult, but it is worth spending time to learn about to make it easier to create from scratch. A hook in this case could be a statistic, fact, or question persuading readers to keep reading. It should present an idea of what is to come within your content without giving too much away. Ideas for hooks can be found through sample papers online on writemyessay.today blog, or by reading articles and other forms of persuasive writing.

Sample Ideas to Help You Create a Persuasive Essay Hook

A hook gets readers attention early in the context and the element of persuasion tries to convince readers to see things from the writer point of view. To get an idea of what you could create for a potential hook consider the following general examples:

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  1. The most powerful drug on the planet is…
  2. The best restaurant to eat out is…because…
  3. The best person you know is…
  4. Living a healthy life is crucial because…
  5. Is it ever okay to break the law?
  6. A key element of hiring someone is…
  7. How much money should someone have in savings?
  8. Love is the most powerful emotion because…
  9. The best school to attend in the country is…because…
  10. Do you know how many people live to be over 100?
  11. The best food to eat in the world is…
  12. College should be free for all because…
  13. The problem of homelessness should be solved by…
  14. A cure will be found for…because…
  15. A charitable cause people should care about is…

Other Sources to Consider for Persuasive Essay Hook Examples

Creating content that persuades an audience to view something from a different standpoint may be challenging. Help sites providing writing samples or templates provide tips on how to create a hook. College university sites also provide persuasive essay hook examples through completed writing examples.

Additional Tips for Writing Hooks for Persuasive Essays

A hook for any paper should be relevant to the topic or main idea the paper is written. Practice creating different sentences to start your work. Think about significant details you know about your topic that could be used as a hook such as an interesting fact or quote. Reading sample papers may also give ideas from different perspectives on how to present something unique to encourage people to keep reading. Think about an attention grabbing hook you’ve read that kept you reading. Why did it grab your attention?